E.40 每年摄入20个饮料瓶,该如何看待微塑料的健康威胁

E.40 每年摄入20个饮料瓶,该如何看待微塑料的健康威胁

2024-03-05    72'30''

主播: 万物生长FM

8879 141

微塑料是近期科学界的当红炸子鸡,无论是今年2月,科学家揭示在婴儿胎盘中发现微塑料,还是过去几年科学家们在珠穆朗玛峰、马里亚纳海沟、南、北极相继发现微塑料,可以说微塑料在我们身边无处不在。 有科学家测算,当今人类平均每周从各种渠道摄入的微塑料有5克左右,大约是一张银行卡的重量,每年就是260克,大约是20个饮料瓶的重量,细思极恐。但对于微塑料对人体的危害,有些人认为,截止目前为止临床上没有发现因为微塑料而造成的疾病,许多危害危言耸听;有些人认为塑料污染愈发严重,微塑料在血液、肌肉、器官中累积,势必会造成各类炎症甚至更严重的危害。针对这个争议,我们基于权威的研究,这一期大概聊了: 1:42从美国医院商店里的塑料用品标志聊起微塑料 4:09我们实地调研了商超便利店里的饮料瓶塑料标识情况 12:48世界自然基金会揭示了被微塑料充斥的地球 23:12微塑料会对生物产生哪些影响 25:36悲观地预测:到2025年海洋中每3 吨鱼就会含有 1 吨塑料 27:57塑料可能与心脏病风险和肺部感染相关 31:22微塑料可能导致甲状腺功能减退和生殖毒性 40:50微塑料可能导致性激素紊乱 46:11脐带血、胎盘中都发现了微塑料 54:18如何区分不同的塑料材质 58:47微塑料无处不在,日常生活中有哪些可以注意的? 1:02:23可降解材料的推行之困 1:09:11最后的一些呼吁 #song list Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007:I. Prélude - Janos Starker Heartburn - Marco Sfogli Carlos Gardel, Alfredo Le Pera: Por Una Cabeza - Martynas Mark Masri - Santa Lucia #参考文献 Qian N, Gao X, Lang X, et al. Rapid single-particle chemical imaging of nanoplastics by SRS microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2024 Melzer D, Rice NE, Lewis C, Henley WE, Galloway TS. Association of urinary bisphenol a concentration with heart disease: evidence from NHANES 2003/06. Gasperi, Johnny, et al., Microplastics in air: Are we breathing it in? , Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 2018 Turyk ME, Persky VW, Imm P, Knobeloch L, Chatterton R, Anderson HA (2008) Hormone disruption by PBDEs in adult male sport fish consumers. Environ Health Perspect 116:1635–1641. Porterfield SP (2000) Thyroidal dysfunction and environmental chemicals-potential impact on brain development. Environ Health Perspect 108:433–438. Fowles JR, Fairbrother A, Baecher-Steppan L, Kerkvliet NI (1994) Immunologic and endocrine effects of the flame-retardant pentabromodiphenyl ether (DE-71) in C57BL/6J mice. Toxicology 86:49–61. Linares V, Bellés M, Domingo JL. Human exposure to PBDE and critical evaluation of health hazards. Arch Toxicol. 2015 Mar Talsness CE, Kuriyama SN, Sterner-Kock A, Schnitker P, Grande SW, Shakibaei M, Andrade A, Grote K, Chahoud I (2008) In utero and lactational exposures to low doses of polybrominated diphenyl ether-47 alter the reproductive system and thyroid gland of female rat offspring.