Dust It Off-The Dø

Dust It Off-The Dø

2018-05-18    03'34''

主播: Angelia👄

152 1

Burning papers into ashes, 燃纸成灰, what a season, how they fly high from the ground ohhh, 美丽的季节里 看着那些余烬飘飞在空中, there is yet another fountain flowing over, as the night falls, 夜幕降临时 泪泉涓涓流淌, keep dreaming away, 继续沉浸在幻梦之中吧, if you hold on to that past, don't you lock yourself inside, 若你紧握过去不放 也别作茧自缚, Nothing has been done before, 只当往事化为乌有, It's the most virgin dress you could possibly wear, 这该是你我间至纯至美的一段情, Mess it up, Time is up, 是时候了 毁掉这段感情, Hold your memory for a moment with a blind hand. 哪怕只是瞬间 你想守住回忆, Write some stories for tomorrow. 为明日续写深情的故事, From the bottle of amnesia, 从一瓶忘情水里, Find instructions to salvation, to oblivion supreme, 寻找得以救赎抑或彻底遗忘的办法, Don't be tempted to look back - It has all happen before, 不要回首过去 过去已是往事, Someday miracular spread will forgive every cowardly thing that you've done. 或许终有一日 奇迹降临 你所做的一切怯懦之事都会被宽恕, That I've done. 我做的愚蠢之事也会被原谅, Dust it off. 一切都会拂去尘埃。
上一期: The Pierces-Secret
下一期: Julie Peel-OK