sb can't help doing sth

sb can't help doing sth

2017-01-24    04'20''

主播: 🍀May

127 4

can’t help doing sth 表达某人忍不住做某事,情不自禁地做了某事… 如果动作发生在过去,则用couldn't help doing sth 1. 看这些漫画时,我情不自禁地笑了。 I couldn’t help laughing when I read the pictures. 2. 听到这个消息,他情不自禁地哭了。 Hearing the news, he couldn't help crying. 3. 我总觉得他没把他知道的全告诉我们。 I can’t help thinking he knows more than he has told us.
上一期: can't+比较级
下一期: can't wait to do sth