

2023-03-15    78'35''

主播: 大小电波

378 2

北京的春天又一次卷着沙尘暴而来,第一波的迎春花已经开得正盛, 街边还可以看到早樱,树枝分分秒秒努力长出绿芽, “要不要骑车上班?”每天都要再纠结一遍, 还有衣服的增增减减,早中晚随时混搭,生怕路人看到我疯癫, 记得四月河畔赏花的约定,下班后的咖啡局也要再增加一场, 心里计划开始变多,那就从策划一次野餐开始吧, 毕竟民以食为先,何况都盼着沙尘暴赶紧吹走呀! 剪辑:唐狸子 BGM:《Love Mode》《Canals》- Joakim Karud 《Ikson》- Paradise 【互动方式】 1、微信公众号:BigSmallCoffee大小咖啡 2、爱发电支持主播:https://afdian.net/@bigsmallpodcast 3、听友反馈及“好消息”投稿:bigsmallpodcast@163.com 4、商务合作请邮件 【大小海报墙】 【大小咖啡】 大小咖啡创建于2016年的北京,是以精品吃喝为载体的消费和文化品牌。 大小以精神满足为理想,以设计为工具,和时间做朋友,让艺术成为日常,建立可持续的、有机的、热情的、时髦的都市青年生活方式。 It all began in 2016 in Beijing,When Big Small Coffee started to serve its first cup of coffee with the vision of crafting a distinct culture around “specialty coffee”. Every drip is made with care and craftsmanship, Every sip is enjoyed with satisfaction for both the mouth and the mind. With its top-notch quality beans, its playful design and warm smiles of the baristas, Big Small Coffee has now established itself as the go-to brand for any coffee enthusiasts in town that care about sustainability, design and most importantly, FUN!