《Blue & Green》Little Hands of Asphalt

《Blue & Green》Little Hands of Asphalt

2018-04-28    03'03''

主播: ╰つ安久

59 2

Blue & Green 歌手:Little Hands of Asphalt I got your name on a note from a friend of mine. 我在好友的备忘录里看到过你的名字 She said "you guys should hang out" 她说“你们这群家伙应该出去打发时间” I don't know where she gets all her bad ideas, 我不知道她这些不好的思想是怎么来的 but that's how it turned out. 但这些想法就是那么突然的横空出世了 And we went up to the dam, 我们到水坝边漫步 where we talked about what certain boys would be thinking. 我们谈论的,却是男孩们才会想到的地方 It's where this city gets its' water supply. 这正是这座城市的供水地 But that's not what we're drinking. 而不是我们喝的是什么 Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变? Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变? Somewhere in the dim the wind is stark. 在荒凉的风吹过的昏暗之地 Down there the traffic is roaring. 那里的交通喧嚣着 We exchanged some wasteful and stale remarks on people 我们的交谈奢侈而腐朽 we think are boring. 我们自己都觉得无趣 Then you said something 'bout caffeine and nightmares. 然后你说到了咖啡因和梦魇 It wasn't really that elegant. 真的不太淑女 So the conversation got slow but we didn't care. 我们没注意的事,谈论似乎慢了下来 Sometimes that's insignificant. 有时候,这看起来似乎微不足道 Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变? Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变? Well, I'm glad we went for a walk, 嗯,散步是一件愉快的事 but it's getting late. 但已近落日黄昏 And no, I don't want to talk. 我也不愿再多说什么 Let the past two years become outlines in white chalk. 就让这匆匆而过的两年,化为白粉笔的轮廓 Cos In my room I've got this strange machine, 因为在我的房间里,我得到了这个奇怪的机器 it doesn't kill fascists, 它不会杀死法西斯 but it has a screen that displays my love and some coded dreams in blue and green. 它的屏幕上显示着我的爱,还有绿蓝交织的编码之梦 Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变? Have you lost your track of time? 你已然忘却时间了吗? Are you always going to change your mind? 你的想法难道就如此易变?