

2024-03-13    07'12''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

266 1

【句子】-- Yeah, just gotta settle up our tab. -- I took care of it. 【Modern Family S3E16】 【发音】/jeə/ /dʒʌst/ /ˈgɒt.ə/ /ˈgɑː.tə/ /ˈset.l/ /ʌp/ /aʊə(r)/ /tæb/ /aɪ/ /tʊk/ /keə(r)/ /əv/ /ɪt/ 【发音技巧】just gotta失去爆破+闪音;settle up闪音+连读;took care失去爆破;of it连读; 【翻译】-- 我们付清酒钱就开球。 -- 我付过了。 【适用场合】 今天我们一起来学习一下今天视频中出现的settle up以及tab的用法。 settle up这个短语,一般可以用于表示:to pay someone the money that you owe them或者to pay a debt or one's share of the cost “还清款项;付清账单;还完欠别人的钱;”这样的意思;有的时候,口语中up也可以省略掉不说。 而tab呢?tab可以指:the total money charged in a restaurant or hotel for food, drinks etc. 在餐馆或者酒店等等场所吃饭喝酒等等全部的费用; 一般经常和动词短语pick up连用;pick up the tab指的是付清吃饭喝酒的费用; eg: Would you like to settle up now, sir? 先生,您要现在买单吗? eg: You buy the tickets and I'll settle up with you later. 你来买票,我稍后把钱还你。 eg: Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel. 请在离开酒店之前把账单付清。 eg: You're not welcome here until you settle up your debt! 在你还清欠款之前,这里不欢迎你。 eg: Let me go and settle the bill up with the waiter. 让我先去找服务员把单买了。/让我先去找服务员把账结了。 eg: When can you settle up for the tickets I bought for us? 我给咱们俩买的机票,你啥时候能把你那份的钱给我? eg: He kindly offered to pick up the tab. 他非常友善地提出要买单。 eg: She picked up the tab for dinner that night. 她付了那天晚餐的费用。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 You get our jackets while I settle up with the bartender.