

2019-09-17    02'35''

主播: Carol@口语粉碎机

1478 12

Romance in the rain I wanna see you once again I remember you and I met on that rainy night Even though life is full of pain You're always my sunshine You said hello in the rain I saw the world in your eyes I prayed for a little more time But you never wanted to stay I could still hear you say We'd make it to the end (You) Said goodbye in the rain I miss you more with time You are my only love The seasons come and go Will you ever get to know I am waiting for you 情深深 雨濛濛 多少楼台烟雨中 记得当初你侬我侬 车如流水马如龙 尽管狂风平地起 美人如玉剑如虹 情深深 雨濛濛 世界只在你眼中 相逢不晚为何匆匆 山山水水几万重 一曲高歌千行泪 情在回肠荡气中 情深深 雨濛濛 天也无尽地无穷 高楼望断情有独钟 盼过春夏和秋冬 盼来盼去盼不尽 天涯何处是归鸿